Vietnam Vets Receive Higher Ratings, Retroactive Pay
One Vietnam veteran had used VA health for years, but never attempted to get a service-connected disability rating. After months of in-person meetings, his Massachusetts veteran service officer (VSO) submitted a packet and claim. Last June, the veteran thanked the VSO, reporting that he now is rated at 90%, received $15,000 in back pay and is working with VA mental health counselors.
Another Vietnam veteran visited after being diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. Within two weeks of filing his claim, the veteran’s rating decision came back at 100%. A retroactive benefits payment check was issued, and the veteran started to get paid at the 100% rate.
Contact a VVA Veteran Service Officer to assist with your claim in states that have a benefits program here, or search for a VSO from another organization through the VA’s website in states where we do not. Enter your ZIP code or city and state, and you’ll see which VSOs serve your area.