Veterans Win Benefits They Didn’t Know They Needed

The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) can assist with all kinds of VA claims — even when they may not be aware of all of the conditions eligible for benefits. 

In Massachusetts recently, a VVA veteran service officer (VSO) assisted in filing a veteran’s claim for Parkinson’s disease resulting from exposure to toxic water at Camp LeJeune. The claim was granted on July 23, 2024 for a combined rating of 100% due to multiple secondary conditions and resulted in a retroactive payment of $47,878.

Another veteran met with Massachusetts VSOs suffering from two ongoing health issues. After reviewing the evidence, the VSO realized that the veteran should submit for a total of five service-connected disabilities. He was awarded 60% disability and is now challenging a 0% percent rating and denial with new evidence. 

For assistance with a benefits claim, veterans can locate a Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Veteran Service Officer here, or search for a VSO from another organization through the VA’s website where VVA doesn’t have VSOs. Enter your ZIP code or city and state, and you’ll see which VSOs serve your area.