Veterans Benefits: Frequently Asked Questions (Part 4)
What is Total Disability for Individual Unemployability (TDIU)?
This is a benefit that Veterans Affairs (VA) awards if a veteran is unable to work because of service-connected disabilities. If granted, the veteran will be assigned a 100% rating even if the severity of their combined conditions do not reach 100%.
For example, a veteran might be rated at 70% for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) based on psychiatric symptoms, but if their PTSD prevents them from working and VA agrees, they will be rated at 100%.
Here are some important considerations:
• VA cannot consider your age, the fact that you retired or the impact of a condition that is not related to service when deciding a claim for TDIU.
• The question is not whether you can do any job, but a job for which you have training, education and experience.
• VA must consider all service-connected disabilities, including medications taken to treat them. For example, if a veteran takes medication for a service-connected condition that causes drowsiness and works as a driver, they may no longer be able to do that job or lose their commercial license, making them eligible for TDIU.
• In certain circumstances, a veteran can receive TDIU while still working. The work must be “marginal” — typically meaning below minimum wage, part-time, or in a “sheltered workshop” or protected work environment that accounts for service-connected disabilities.
• 38 C.F.R. §4.16(a) requires either a single disability rated at 60% for a veteran to be considered for TDIU, or two or more that combine to 70% with one rated at least at 40%. However, 38 C.F.R. §4.16(b) allows veterans to be considered for TDIU without meeting these criteria if sent for special review.
For assistance with a benefits claim, veterans can locate a Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Veteran Service Officer here, or search for a VSO from another organization through the VA’s website where VVA doesn’t have VSOs. Enter your ZIP code or city and state, and you’ll see which VSOs serve your area.